What is Excimer Laser?


Laser treatment of the eye is one of the most used methods in recent years. In particular, Excimer Laser has been used in the treatment of many eye refractive errors for more than 20 years. This treatment method is performed using a device called Excimer Laser. This device produces ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 193 nm using Arf gas. Excimer laser therapy is generally used to treat myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. This method is one of the most frequently used methods.



Excimer treatment method can be used in patients over 18 years of age whose diopters have not changed more than 0.50 since last year. Myopia up to -9.0 and hyperopia and astigmatism up to +5.0 can be treated this way. Excimer can be used in patients with sufficient corneal thickness, but they should not have rheumatism, diabetes, other disorders and Eye Diseases. In Excimer Laser treatment, it is important to examine the eye before surgery. Excimer laser treatment can be applied to people with refractive errors in the eye. The main symptoms of refractive errors are eye pain, discomfort and visual impairment. Visual disorders such as short-sightedness and far-sightedness or astigmatism are refractive errors.



Excimer therapy is not used in all patients. Patients who cannot receive this treatment are listed below:

  • rheumatism patients

  • Patients with diabetes

  • Pregnant Woman

  • Breastfeeding Women

  • Keratoconus patients

  • Patients with eye pressure (partial)

  • Patients with cataracts



There are a few points to consider before and after laser treatment.


BEFORE TREATMENT: Eating on the day of treatment is not harmful. If the medication is taken regularly, the doctor should be informed. Eye makeup should not be worn on the day of surgery. Perfume should not be used on the day of treatment.


Treatment process: A sedative is given 45 minutes before the surgery. The reason for this medication is to reduce excitement. Before the surgery, you will be asked to wear a hairnet and a shirt to ensure a sterile environment. Only slippers used in the operating room are also worn.
Before starting the treatment, lie down on the back of the laser bed and keep your head straight. After that, an antiseptic solution is applied to your eyelids and covered with a sterile cloth. Then the treatment is carried out according to the method. The operation is comfortable and short.
After the treatment, antibiotic drops are added to your eyes and you can return home after waiting 30 minutes.



It is common to have blurry vision after excimer treatment. You may experience stinging, tearing, or burning for up to 2 hours after the procedure.
Pain after the procedure is rare and can be relieved with a mild painkiller.
You should not rub your eyes after the procedure.
You should not wash your face immediately after surgery.
Do not look directly at the TV or computer, and do not read a book or newspaper.
Do not take a bath or wash your face.
The day after treatment, you will need to be examined briefly in the hospital. After this examination, you can continue your normal life.
You should come for follow-up check-ups during the first week and month after the procedure.
You should not wear make-up for 10 days after the procedure and should not dive into the sea or pool for 20 days.
You may bathe after the check-up, but you should avoid getting shampoo and soap in your eyes.
