Expert solutions to protect your eye health! We are with you at every stage of your eye health with our comprehensive services.
Information About Strabismus Treatment
Strabismus treatment is a method that aims to correct the misalignment or misalignment of the eyes that occurs as a result of the eyes not being able to focus at the same time. Strabismus (strabismus) can occur at any age and can cause images to appear double or blurred due to the eyes’ inability to move parallel. While this condition affects the quality of vision in children and adults, it can also lead to social and psychological problems.
What is Strabismus?
Strabismus is a condition in which the eyes look in different directions due to the eye muscles not working harmoniously. Strabismus, which is usually congenital or occurs in childhood, affects the movements of the eye muscles and disrupts the parallel gaze of the eyes. Strabismus may lead to the development of lazy eye (amblyopia). Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment is very important.
Who is Strabismus Treatment Suitable for?
Strabismus treatment is suitable for children and adults who experience symptoms such as misalignment or misalignment of their eyes, double vision or blurred vision. Strabismus, especially if diagnosed early in childhood, can prevent amblyopia by ensuring better development of the eye muscles. In adults, vision quality can be improved by providing eye alignment with strabismus treatment.
Advantages of Strabismus Treatment
The main advantages of strabismus treatment are:
1. Improvement in vision quality is achieved by ensuring parallel alignment of the eyes.
2. The development of amblyopia in children is prevented and the coordination of both eyes is ensured.
3. Socially and psychologically, the individual’s self-confidence increases.
4. Symptoms that make daily life difficult, such as double vision or blurred vision, improve.
Why Should Strabismus Treatment Be Preferred?
Strabismus treatment provides both aesthetic and functional improvement by aligning the eyes. Untreated strabismus, especially in childhood, can lead to permanent vision problems such as amblyopia. In addition to eliminating aesthetic concerns in adults, it also improves the quality of daily life. Strabismus treatment supports the social and psychological health of the individual.
What Changes in Your Life with Strabismus Treatment?
After strabismus treatment, the eyes become parallel and there is a significant increase in vision quality. While double vision and blurred vision problems disappear, the individual can feel more confident in social environments. Thanks to this treatment, you can easily use visual functions in daily life.
Recovery Process After Strabismus Treatment
After strabismus treatment, there is a rapid recovery process. Treated patients can return to their daily lives in a short time. Strabismus treatment offers a reliable solution without risking your eye health.
Your Eye Health is Safe with Strabismus Treatment
Strabismus treatment is an ideal treatment method for patients who want to protect their eye health long-term. After the treatment, a permanent improvement is observed in your eye health and a more comfortable vision is provided in daily life.
It is Possible to Achieve Clear Vision with Strabismus Treatment
Thanks to strabismus treatment, you can achieve clear vision without risking your eye health. With the treatment, double vision and blurred vision problems are eliminated and the harmonious functioning of the eyes is ensured.
Results of Strabismus Treatment
Strabismus treatment has high success rates when diagnosed early and with the correct method. After the treatment, the eyes are aligned in parallel, preventing amblyopia in children and improving the aesthetic appearance in adults. Strabismus treatment contributes to individuals living a better quality of life.
Strabismus Treatment Fees
Strabismus treatment fees may vary depending on the treatment method, the eye structure that requires treatment, and the age of the patient. You can contact our experts to get more information and learn about treatment fees. Strabismus treatment provides a significant improvement in eye health.
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Frequently Asked Questions
The duration of strabismus treatment varies depending on the treatment method. While treatments such as the use of glasses and prism lenses take a shorter time, the recovery process after surgery may take several weeks.
Clarity of vision after treatment varies depending on the method applied. Within a few weeks after the surgical intervention, the eyes are aligned and clear vision is achieved.